FLORA OF ICELAND elements: Alchemilla filicaulis, Hairy Lady's-mantle, Hliðamaríustakkur

Alchemilla filicaulis; the hairy lady's-mantle is one of the two most common micro species of the A. vulgaris group. Typically they have rather dark green coloured leaves, slightly smaller than the other common micro-species of A. glomerulans (Clustered Lady's Mantle). The hairy lady's-mantle is grows evertwhere on Iceland except for the most barren regions of the interior and the flod plains south of the Vatnajöll and Mýrdallsjökull.

They are members of the Rose family (Rosaceae). The Icelandic name of this species is Hliðamaríustakkur.

A brief introduction to Iceland plants
Text & Photographs by Dick Vuijk
- unless stated otherwise
Other Rose family members

Other Rose family members

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Basal leaves of the Hairy Lady's-mantle

reload first photo of the Hairy Lady's-mantle





Natural History of Iceland Site  in Dutch

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