Eriophorum angustifolium; Common Cottongrass grows all around Iceland in marshes. Contrary to its name it is not a true grass but a sedge. Once the fruits mature the hairs grow very long and becomes a very recognizable sedge. A resembling species is E. scheuchzeri, Scheuchzer's cottongrass. Common cottongrass has multiple spikes on each flowering stem whereas Scheuchzer's cottongrass has only one spike in a single flowering stem.
It is a member of the sedge family (Cyperaceae). The Icelandic name of this species is Klófífa.
FLORA OF ICELAND elements: Eriophorum angustifolium, Common Cottongrass, Klófífa
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A brief introduction to Iceland plants
Text & Photographs by Dick Vuijk
- unless stated otherwise
Text & Photographs by Dick Vuijk
- unless stated otherwise
Other Sedge family members (excluding true sedges)
Other Sedge family members (excluding true sedges)
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single flowering stalk in fruiting stage with woolly hairs
Plants not yet in fruiting stage still without woolly hairs
Detail of inflorescences before fruiting stage - still without woolly hairs
reload original photo of vegetation of A. angustifolium with wooly hairs