FLORA OF ICELAND elements: Gentiana nivalis, Alpine Gentian, Dýragras

Gentiana nivalis; The alpine gentian is generally found in open grasslands and open heather areas. Although it is a small annual plant it is quite conspicuous and an attractive "little one". Blue flowers are common but occasionally one can find white flowering alpine gentians.
Within the Gentian family, the Alpine Gentian is the only common Gentiana species on Iceland. Nearly all others belong to the Gentianella genus. Gentiana nivalis has clear white appendages within the petals (see photo). It has a corolla with a 5 petal-lobes. whereas Gentianella species have 4 petals and don't have the apendages of Gentiana nivalis but have bearded throats inside the corollal tube. One species which was regarded to be a Gentianella species (G. tenella), Slender Gentian, also has 4-parted petals, but nevertheless, this species is now placed in the genus Comastoma: Comastoma tenellum.
Another member of the Gentian family is Lomatogonium rotatum Arctic Felwort). This species has, like the snow Gentian a 5-parted corolla but it lacks the appendages.
Gentiana nivalis is a member of the gentian family (Gentianaceae). The Icelandic name of this species is Dýragras.

A brief introduction to Iceland plants
Text & Photographs by Dick Vuijk
- unless stated otherwise
Other members of the Gentian, Broomrape and Mint families

Other members of the Gentian, Broomrape and Mint families

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