Dock family (Polygonaceae) 2: non-Sorrel species)
Polygonum aviculare Isl : Blóðarfi En : Knotgrass Nl : Varkensgras |
islandica Isl : Naflagras En : Iceland-purslane Nl : IJslandse postelein |
alpina Isl : Kornsúra En : Alpine Bistort Nl : Broedbistort |
sp. Isl : Rabarbari En : Rhubarb Nl : Rabarber |
Open link Dock family: Rumex and Oxyria members (Sorrels)
>> Other members of the Dock Family (Polygonaceae): this list
Open Link Goosefoot family (Chenopodiaceae), Purslane family (Portulacaceae) and Nettle family (Urticaceae)