FLORA OF ICELAND elements: Aegopodium podagraria, Ground Elder, Geitakál

Aegopodium podagraria; The Ground Elder is an introduced weedy perennial species. When not flowering (spring, early summer) it is a low species forming dense vegetations. Flowering stems can grow up to about 60cm.
  - The leaves appear from rootstocks in spring. Although some variation can be observed, their shape is quite characteristic. In principle it is tri-lobed. The top lobe though is split in 3 leaflets. The two side lobes are both split in two leaflets (thus in all 7 leaflets: 3+(2x2)). This characteristic is unique.
  - Their inflorescences are typical Apiaceae-like. Missing are the involucral bracts.
  - It is an alien species that grows in gardens and dump places. It is not very common on Iceland.
  - It is a member of the Carrot family ( Apiaceae formerly known as Umbelliferae). The Icelandic name of this species is Geitakál.

A brief introduction to Iceland plants
Text & Photographs by Dick Vuijk
- unless stated otherwise
Other members of the Carrot/Parsley and Ivy families

Other members of the Carrot/Parsley and Ivy families

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typical leaf-shape

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