Gymnosperms: Juniperus, Pinus, Picea & Larix species
Note: only the Juniper is indigenous to Iceland.
Other gymnosperms have been introduced for forest plantations. I have only included the 3 most commonly introduced species. There are many more introduced gymnosperm species for forestation projects though.... (this is beyond the scope of this site)

Thmbn Juniperus communis Juniperus communis
Isl : Einir
En : Juniper
Nl : Jeneverbes

Thmbn Pinus contorta Pinus contorta
Isl : Stafafura
En : Lodgepole Pine
Nl : Draaiden

Thmbn Betula nana Picea sitchensis
Isl : Sitkagreni
En : Sitka Spruce
Nl : Sitkaspar

Thmbn Larix siberica Larix siberica
Isl : Síberíulerki
En : Siberian Larch
Nl : Siberische lariks

smalle green arrow open list of Willow species