Asteraceae - Daisy family
Daisies family 4:
Everlasting-like species

Thmbn Omalotheca supina Omalotheca supina
Isl : Grámulla
En : Dwarf cudweed
Nl : Dwergdroogbloem

Thmbn Omalotheca norvegica Omalotheca norvegica
Isl : Fjandafæla
En : Highland cudweed
Nl : Noordse droogbloem

(Also introducing Omalotheca sylvatica)

Thmbn Gnaphalium uliginosum Gnaphalium uliginosum
Isl : Grámygla
En : Marsh cudweed
Nl : Moerasdroogbloem

small green arrow Open list of hawkweeds, hawkbit and dandelions
small green arrow Open list of other yellow flowered daisies
small green arrow Open list of Achillea and Erigeron daisies
small green arrow Open list of thistles and other large daisies