Asteraceae - Daisy family
Daisies family 5:
Thistle-like species

These species were either accidentally (weeds) or deliberately (ornamentals) introduced on Iceland.

Thmbn Omalotheca supina Centaurea montana
Isl : Fjallakornblóm
En : Perennial Cornflower
Nl : Bergcentaurie

Thmbn Omalotheca supina Centaurea triumfetti
Isl : Flauelskornblóm
En : Squarrose Knapweed
Nl : Triumfetti-Korenbloem

Thmbn Cirsium arvense Cirsium arvense
Isl : Þistill
En : Creeping Thistle
Nl : Akkerdistel

Thmbn Artemisia vulgaris Artemisia vulgaris
Isl : Malurt
En : Mugwort
Nl : Bijvoet

small green arrow Open list of hawkweeds, hawkbit and dandelions
small green arrow Open list of other yellow flowered daisies
small green arrow Open list of Achillea and Erigeron daisies
small green arrow Open list of Cudweed and Everlasting daisies