Asteraceae - Daisy family
Yellow flowered species 1:
Hieracium (incl. Pilosella), Leontodon and Taraxacum

Thmbn Hieracium spp. Hieracium spp.
Isl : Undafífill
En : Hawkweed
Nl : Havikskruid
On this page are a few links to other hawkweed species belonging to the Hieracium section of the genus Hieracium

Thmbn Pilosella islandica Hieracium islandicum
Isl : Íslandsfífill
En : Icelandic Hawkweed
Nl : IJslands Havikskruid
This Hieracium species belongs to the Pilosella section of the genus Hieracium and is also known as Pilosella islandica.

Thmbn Leontodon autumnalis Leontodon autumnalis
Isl : Skarifífill
En : Autumn Hawkbit
Nl : Vertakte leeuwetand

Thmbn Taraxacum spp. Taraxacum-spp.
Isl : Túnfífill
En : Dandelion
Nl : Paardebloem

small green arrow Open list of other yellow flowered daisies
small green arrow Open list of Achillea and Erigeron daisies
small green arrow Open list of Cudweed and Everlasting daisies
small green arrow Open list of thistles and thistle-like species