BIRDS OF ICELAND : Branta leucopsis, Barnacle Goose

Branta leucopsis; Barnacle Geese are passage migrants. They spend the winters on the British isles and breed on Greenland. During spring and autumn they stay a while on Iceland. I saw many of these birds in spring in northern Iceland in the regions around Sauðárkrókur. Apparently in the autumn they stay in southern Iceland for a while before heading south to their winter residence. Branta geese are typically black/white birds. On Iceland I noticed that the Barnacle geese have a bluish gloss.

A brief introduction to Iceland birds
Text & Photographs by Dick Vuijk
- unless stated otherwise
Other Waterfowl species

Other Waterfowl species

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 A group of Barnacle Geese taking off.

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Natural History of Iceland Site  in Dutch

Natural History of Iceland Site  Dutch