Regulus regulus; The Goldcrest only recently (1999) has settled on Iceland as a breeding bird it seems after an invasion in 1996. It can be found in the sparsely wooded areas of Iceland like Hallormsstaður, Skorradalur, Þrastarlundur and others. It is the smallest bird of Europe (9cm. just like its close relative the firecrest R. ignicapillus of central and southern Europe). I suppose/speculate this new settlement is a result of the tree planting projects (mainly pines, spruces etc.) One can often hear this bird without actually seeing it, by its high pitched whistle. This bird is very much associated with needle trees (conifers). It feeds mainly on aphids on these trees. The photo shows a female. The male has a more reddish streak over the head than the yellowish streak of the female.
BIRDS OF ICELAND : Regulus regulus, Goldcrest
A brief introduction to Iceland birds
Text & Photographs by Dick Vuijk
- unless stated otherwise
Text & Photographs by Dick Vuijk
- unless stated otherwise
Other various species
Other various species
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This photo has kindly been made available by nature photographer Daniel Bergmann. A portfolio of his nature photography on Iceland can be seen at:
This photo has kindly been made available by nature photographer Daniel Bergmann. A portfolio of his nature photography on Iceland can be seen at: