Tringa totanus; redshanks are common middle sized stilts and they are a member of the larger sized sandpiper-group of Tringa. If one would have to characterize this bird in a figurative sense, the expression "protest" comes to mind. Always picking good points of view like fence poles, they loudly seem to show disapproval of your presence. A typical feature are the shiny red legs. In Europe many other species of Tringa occur, but only the much darker T. erythropus=spotted redshank, has red legs. On Iceland the redshank is the only common Tringa species. They prefer marshes, moist meadows and grasslands in the breeding season. Outside the breeding season they are found more along the sea coasts. Most birds migrate to western Europe but a few stay the winter on Iceland.
BIRDS OF ICELAND : Tringa totanus, redshank
A brief introduction to Iceland birds
Text & Photographs by Dick Vuijk
- unless stated otherwise
Text & Photographs by Dick Vuijk
- unless stated otherwise
Other Wader and Stilt species
Other Wader and Stilt species