FLORA OF ICELAND elements: Barbarea stricta, Small-flowered Winter-cress, Hliðableikja

Barbarea stricta; The Small-flowered Winter-cress is an introduced weedy species. It is a biennial herbal species that can grow up to a height of 70cm.
  - The leaves are dark green organized in a basal rosette and stem-leaves. The leaves of the basal rosette are lyre-pinnatifid, having a large end lobe and smaller side lobes. The stem-leaves metamorphose from the basal leaf-shapes into ever smaller dentated entire leaves. The latter are sessile and clasps the stem.
  - The flowers have yellow-colored petals. They have 6 stamens and a single pistil with a knob-shaped stigma. The fruits are long and very much pressed to the stem (hence the name "stricta"). In this it differs from B. vulgaris.
  - It is a weedy species growing on disturbed soils like gardens and roadsides.
  - It is a member of the Brassicaceae, previously known as the Cruciferae, the Mustard family or Cabbage family. The Icelandic name for this species is Hliðableikja.

A brief introduction to Iceland plants
Text & Photographs by Dick Vuijk
- unless stated otherwise
Cabbage/Mustard family members

Cabbage/Mustard family members

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