FLORA OF ICELAND elements: Callitriche stagnalis, Common Water-starwort, Lækjabrúða

Callitriche stagnalis; The Common Water-starwort is a species that is much more restricted to thermal areas than other water-starworts. It is most common in the south-western regions of Iceland. It can best be told from other water-starworts by their floating leaves: the are rather round grouped in rosette-structures.
Traditionally water-starwort species have been classified in their own family: starwort family (Callitrichaceae) but recently they have been included in the plantain family (Plantaginaceae). The Icelandic name of this species is Lækjabrúða.

A brief introduction to Iceland plants
Text & Photographs by Dick Vuijk
- unless stated otherwise
Other Plantain family members and relatives to the Plantain family

Other Plantain family members and relatives to the Plantain family

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macro with some flowerbuds

reload first photo of creeping plant





Natural History of Iceland Site  in Dutch

Natural History of Iceland Site  Dutch