Carex norvegica; the Close-headed Alpine-sedge (in the America's known as Scandinavian Sedge) is a medium-sized sedge growing up to 30cm.
The leaves are rather broad (1½ tot 3cm). They are at ground level but there is a leafy bract just under the inflorescence. When missing one can always spot the sheath of this leaf/bract. The stem is stiff and erect. The leaves have rough edges.
Characteristic are the very short-stalked (sessile) brown/blackish-coloured spikes on top of a the vertical stem. The top spike is slightly larger than the lateral spikes. The male flowers are at the base of the spikes and disappear soon. In similar sedges with male flowers on top of the spikes the remnants of the male flowers stay long visible. The female flowers have three stigma's, the fruits are - for a sedge with three stigma's - rather thin. The utricles end in a short acute beak.
It grows wide-spread in heathers and grasslands, never in large numbers though.
It is a member of the sedge family (Cyperaceae). The Icelandic name of this species is Fjallastör.
FLORA OF ICELAND elements: Carex norvegica, Close-headed Alpine-sedge (=Scandinavian Sedge), Fjallastör
A brief introduction to Iceland plants
Text & Photographs by Dick Vuijk
- unless stated otherwise
Text & Photographs by Dick Vuijk
- unless stated otherwise
Other Sedge family members (true sedges)
Other Sedge family members (true sedges)
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