FLORA OF ICELAND elements: Chamerion latifolium, Arctic Riverbeauty = Dwarf Fireweed, Eyrarrós

Chamerion latifolium; the Arctic Riverbeauty or Dwarf Fireweed as it is known in the America's, is a typical Icelandic species not growing on mainland Europe and the British isles. It grows in northern America too, though - in the west even as far south as the mountains of California. It has large pretty flowers. The fruits grow - as in all other willowherbs - under the flowers and are narrowly long shaped. The flowers fall from the fruits at the end of the flowering period leaving the fruits conspicuously behind. Typically it grows on gravel riverbeds all over Iceland.
It is a member of the Willowherb family (Onagraceae). It is also known as Epilobium latifolium. The Icelandic name of this species is Eyrarrós.

A brief introduction to Iceland plants
Text & Photographs by Dick Vuijk
- unless stated otherwise
Other Willowherb family members

Other Willowherb family members

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single flower

Typical Arctic Riverbeauty vegetation in a mountain river bed

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Natural History of Iceland Site  in Dutch

Natural History of Iceland Site  Dutch