FLORA OF ICELAND elements: Comastoma tenellum (Gentianella tenella), Slender Gentian, Maríuvendlingur

Comastoma tenellum; The slender gentian can be found on soils with ample water contents, like pastures and river banks. It can be found in the northern regions of Iceland as well as the interior highlands. Strangely it is missing in the southern and south-western regions of Iceland. In the past and to date this species has been and sometimes still is named as Gentianella tenella.
It is a member of the gentian family (Gentianaceae). The Icelandic name of this species is Maríuvendlingur.

A brief introduction to Iceland plants
Text & Photographs by Dick Vuijk
- unless stated otherwise
Other members of the Gentian, Broomrape and Mint families

Other members of the Gentian, Broomrape and Mint families

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Natural History of Iceland Site  in Dutch

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