FLORA OF ICELAND elements: Papaver radicatum, Arctic Poppy, Melasól

Papaver radicatum; arctic poppies grow on gravelly dry soils. The geographic distribution of the species on Iceland is rather odd. They are common both in low and highland in the north-west and in the east. Elsewhere they can only be found in the highland region or are very rare. Another yellow poppy, Papaver croceum, has been introduced but is only found in major urban areas (garden weeds). P. nudicaule has glabrous leaves where P. radicatum has dense hairy flowering stems. Also, the leaves are very different (P. croceum has much larger leaves).
It is a member of the Poppy family (Papaveraceae). The Icelandic name of this species is Melasól.

A brief introduction to Iceland plants
Text & Photographs by Dick Vuijk
- unless stated otherwise

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Single plant with flowers

Detail of flower showing the typical poppy heart of the flower

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