This site provides information on elements of the Icelandic nature. It is foremost concentrated on plants (Icelandic flowers and Icelandic fern species) and the birds of Iceland.
Also landscape features are treated as Iceland is famous for its spectacular landscapes.
It offers photographic guides to plant life, birdlife on Iceland. They can be found under "entries start" in the main top-menu. Slide-shows and panoramic video's of different landscapes of Iceland can be found under "landscape photo's" in the main menu bar. Here also lots of photographs of my travels to many outback/highland regions of Iceland can be found.
Next to the photo-illustrated guides, in-depth information on vegetation, bird life and geology is presented in the "birds/plants information pages" and the "landscape features of Iceland".
Also an internal search program is included by which you can search directly for information on this site (like a specific bird or plant).
Miscellaneous other pages are also presented. Links to them can be found in the top menu by choosing "more topics". These concern items like polar foxes, books, links, contributors to and history of this site and usage of photo's.
A final special note on the science-based character of this site: it is not! I have used different sources backing-up my personal observations. Also, I have used different sources for compiling background information pages. However, I have only occasionally noted the sources - especially on the individual plant and bird pages. The main sources of information on these species-based pages come from publications by Hörður Kristinsson (plants section) and Jóhan Óli Hilmasson (birds section). For more science-based information please refer to the Icelandic Natural History Institute (http://en.ni.is/).
Remains a single remark on the motivation for constructing this site/these pages: love of the Icelandic nature!
Happy scrolling through the Iceland nature pages.